Transfer business structure, work rule, cost center, or labor category (employees)

Every employee has a primary job, which is the derived value for business structure (job), labor categories, and the cost center linked to the business structure.

  • The business structure defines where the work can be done.
  • The cost center defines who pays for the work.
  • Labor categories define what work can be done.

Depending on your permissions and your company's configuration, you can transfer a punch, paycode, or project from your primary job to a different business structure, work rule, cost center, or labor category. Employee-initiated transfers are based on the employee's job transfer set, which defines all jobs that are valid for the employee to transfer. Managers are also considered as employees.

The way that you make a transfer differs depending on whether you are using the table view or the list view.

  1. Select the appropriate day.
  2. In the day detail panel, tap Add Punch, Add Paycode, or Add Transfer.
  3. In the Transfer field, tap the arrow . The last five transfers you made are listed. If the transfer you want is not listed, tap Search or the arrow . The Transfer panel opens.

To identify the current and updated settings, tap the information icon .

Quick links at the bottom of the panel enable you to navigate easily from one type of transfer to another.

In the Transfer panel, select from the following:


For hourly timecards, if you know the business structure work rule, cost center, or labor category of the transfer, you can enter it directly or copy and paste it into the appropriate field. The format is:

Business Structure;Work Rule;Cost Center;Labor Category1,2,..,6;

Each transfer type is separated by a semicolon, and the transfer string ends with a semicolon. There can be 0 to 6 labor categories, each separated by commas.