Manage Language Files

Language property files for devices are installed in the database when the Universal Device Manager is installed. These files are read-only. They cannot be modified or deleted.

The language property file contains:

  • Name
  • Country Code
  • Language Code
  • File Name (for example,

You can import additional language files for devices into the database and then download them to devices. You can also customize standard language files independently of the Universal Device Manager, then import and download them to devices.

To import a new language file:

  1. From the Devices main menu, select Manage Imports > Language File. The Import Device Language workspace appears.
  2. Click Tap New.
  3. Specify a Name and select a Country Code and Language Code from the drop-down lists.
  4. Click Tap Choose File to browse for the language file.
  5. Choose the file and click tap Open.
  6. Click Tap Save when you are done.

The device language file is imported into the database. A new row is added to the language list on the Import Device Language workspace.

All available device languages are listed:

  • In the Languages template in Configuration. Use the Languages template to add the new language to a Device Configuration Profile that can be assigned to devices.
  • In the Soft Key Settings template as options for soft key labels.

To edit a language, select it from the list and click tap Edit. When you have completed your changes, click tap Save.

To delete a language, select it from the list and click tap Delete. At the prompt, click tap OK. You can select multiple languages to delete.

Note: You cannot modify or delete the languages that are installed with the suite.