Manage device groups

Assign devices to device groups

Assign one or more devices to one or more device groups using one of the following methods:

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Device and select device view or navigate to Dashboard and select Devices view.
  2. Select those devices that you want to add to one or more device groups.
  3. Select Actions > Assign Groups from the Device Configuration page or Actions > Assign Groups from the Dashboard.
  4. The Assign Groups workspace appears.
  5. To narrow down the list of group names, clicktap Filter and enter a search string in the empty cell immediately beneath the column heading.
  6. Either:
    • Select the desired group or groups from the list.
    • Click Tap New to create one or more new device groups for the devices. The Group Name must be unique across all device groups and tags. Click the plus-sign (+) to create additional device groups. After creating the new device group or groups, click tap Save to save your changes or Cancel to dispose of them
  7. To delete one or more device groups, select them and click Delete, followed by OK. You cannot delete groups that are currently assigned to devices.
  8. Click Tap Save to save your changes or Close to dispose of them.

You can also perform steps 5-7 in the Manage Groups workspace without assigning the groups by clicking tapping Edit in the Device Groups filter panel. (Select the Available radio button to list all available groups, or the Selected radio button to display only those that have been selected.)

Delete devices from device groups

Delete devices from device groups using the following method:

  1. Navigate to Dashboard and select Groups view.
  2. Select the group from which you want to remove one or more devices.
  3. Select Actions > Assign Devices.
  4. In the Selected tab, uncheck those devices that you want to delete from the group and click tap Save.

You can also remove a specific device from a device group to which it is assigned by navigating to its Device Details page and clicking tapping the x in the filter rectangle for that group that appears above the device details grid. You will be asked to validate the removal by clicking tapping OK.