The Operational Dashboard

The operational dashboard provides easily accessible analytical and monitoring information for a forecast week in the past, present, or future. It serves as a built-in workload analysis tool fully integrating the KPI framework.

Operational Dashboard lets managers see the volume and labor forecasts relative to the amount of actual business being done in a specified location during a specified day or week. The data table is displayed in three sections:

  • The volume driver section of the table displays the volume forecast for a selected driver for each day of the week, for comparison to , actual and budgeted values.
  • The labor hours section of the table displays labor hours data for each day of the week.
  • The Key Performance Indicators section presents calculated productivity values created using the KPIs and Metrics from the KPI Builder.

The operational dashboard lets you evaluate forecasts, budgets, and schedules for a location. It allows you to see the effectiveness of your volume forecasts and labor forecasts relative to the amount of actual business being done in a schedule period or fiscal period. You can compare forecast and actual data to your budget limits and make changes in order to meet the demands of your customers while staying within your budget guidelines.

The volume driver section

Volume Driver Definition  
Budget The volume for the selected driver, according to the imported volume budget  
Forecast The forecast volume from the last volume run  
Actual The actual volume from imported values  
Actual % of Budget The actual volume divided by the budgeted volume X 100  
Actual % of Forecast The actual volume divided by the forecasted volume X 100  
Forecast % of Budget The forecasted volume from last volume run divided by the budgeted volume X 100  

Evaluating the forecast and budget compared to actual

  • Actual % of Budget — Evaluates the accuracy of the imported volume budget for the selected driver. A value above 100 means the begetter for the selected driver was too low. A value under 100 means the budget for the selected driver was too low.
  • Actual % of Forecast — Evaluates the accuracy of the volume forecast for the selected driver. A value above 100 means the volume forecast for the selected driver was too low. A value under 100 means the volume forecast was too high.
  • Forecast % of Budget — Evaluates the accuracy of the imported volume budget for the selected driver as compared to the forecasted volume. A value above 100 means the budget for the selected driver is lower that the expected volume. A value under 100 means the budget for the selected driver is higher than the expected volume.
  • Another way of interpreting this is to say that a value above 100 means the expected volume exceeds budgeted amount, and a value below 100 means that the expected volume is less than the budgeted amount.

The labor hours section

Labor Hours Definition
Budget Hours The number of hours from the imported labor budget
Budget Cost  The cost from the imported labor budget
Forecasted Hours The forecasted number of labor hours from the saved labor forecast
System Adjusted Hours The number of labor hours for the location as adjusted by a labor constraint applied to the saved labor forecast.
Scheduled The number of labor hours from the posted schedule
Actual The actual number of labor hours worked from the time card. If you are looking at the current week, this data includes results through yesterday.
Earned Hours

How many labor hours should have been scheduled based on the actual historical volumes, applied to labor standards and other factors affecting the labor forecast.

System Adjusted Hours The number of labor hours as calculated by a labor constraint that has been run and applied to the labor forecast
Scheduled Cost The labor cost from the posted schedule
Actual Cost The actual cost from the hours worked from the timecard
%Effective Indicates how well you are scheduling your labor. This number is the hours that should have been worked (the Earned value) divided by the actual hours worked (from the Actual column), multiplied by 100

The KPI section

Use the KPI Builder at to set up additional metrics and KPIs for the displayed location and forecast week as needed for your business.

To add a KPI or metric to the display:

  1. Select the metric or KPI from the menu above the right border of the volume driver section. If you don't see the KPI or metric that you want:
    1. Reconfigure the Operational Dashboard to include the metric or KPI.
    2. Go to Application Setup >System Configuration > Forecaster Setup >Operational Dashboard Metrics and KPIs and click on the Help . Follow the instructions to add the KPI or a Metric. If you don't see the KPI or metric that you want in the configuration menu, continue with the next step. Otherwise, skip to the last step.
    3. Go to Application Setup >System Configuration > KPI Builder > KPI Definition and click on the Help . Follow the instructions to find, activate, or create a KPI or a Metric. Then follow the steps in the previous bullet point to include the metric or KPI in the Operational Dashboard .
    4. On the Operational Dashboard, select the metric or KPI from the menu above the right border of the volume driver section.