
Use the Dashboard to view summary status for a tenant's devices, and perform various maintenance and troubleshooting actions on one or more devices. By default, the Dashboard shows a list of all devices that have an error status, sorted alphabetically by name.

Select Dashboard from the main Devices menu to display the device grid. Click Tap View to toggle between the Devices and Group views of the grid.

At the top left of the Dashboard, the status of the connection to the Timekeeper application is displayed. You can run all system events by clicking Sync Timekeeping Data.

Devices view

In the Devices view, the Dashboard grid includes a row for each of the tenant's devices by default. The grid can show the following items for each device:

  • Status (always displayed)
  • Statuses include Critical , Warning , Ok , Not Registered , Ignored , and Disabled .
  • Name (always displayed)
  • Last Communication
  • Time when the device last communicated with the host system.
  • Id
  • 6-digit identifier of the device
  • State
  • State of the last transaction on the device, either OK or ERROR.
  • Action Status
  • New, Waiting, Sent, Success, or Failure
  • Last Action Date
  • Date and time of the last action. The time is based on the time zone setting of the database server.
  • Last Action
  • The last action that occurred between the device and the server.
  • Last Action Error
  • The error message from the last failed action.
  • Device Groups
  • Groups to which the device has been assigned.
  • Device Tags
  • Tags to which the device has been assigned.
  • Punches Processed
  • The number of punches collected from the device and sent to Workforce Manager successfully over a 24 hour period.
  • IP Address
  • IP address of the device.
  • Firmware Version
  • Version of the firmware that is installed on the device
  • Firmware Status

    Statuses include Current, Update Available, and Overdue

  • Device Time Zone
  • Time zone that is configured on the device.
  • Device Location
  • Description of where the device is physically located, if entered in the Device Editor.
  • Device Model
  • Hardware model of the device
  • Device Profile
  • Name of the device configuration profile that has been assigned to the device.
  • Device Type
  • Device type that is configured in the device profile.
  • Punch Count
  • The number of punches collected from the device into UDM.
  • Uncollected Device Transactions
  • The sum of the number of Uncollected Device Punches, Uncollected Device Online Punches, and Uncollected Device Smart Views.
  • Uncollected Device Bio Templates
  • The number of uncollected biometric templates on each device. The templates will be either face or finger depending on the bio-pod on the device.

To reposition a column in the display, drag it to the desired location. Condense or expand the grid by removing or adding any unpinned columns (columns with a blue heading). Click Tap Column Selection and select or deselect the appropriate columns. You can also remove a column by clicking tapping the downward open caret in the column heading and selecting Hide Column . Apply a sort to one or more columns by clicking tapping the downward open caret in the column heading and selecting Sort Ascending or Sort Descending. Select Remove Sort to remove the sorting from that column.

You can filter this list in several ways as needed:

  • By clicking tapping Filter and entering a full or partial search string in the empty cells immediately beneath the column headings.
  • By device groups and tags by selecting the check boxes corresponding to the desired device groups and tags in the Device Groups and Tags sections of the left panel. (Select the Available radio button to display all available groups and tags.) The filter applies OR logic across all selections to determine which devices or tags to display. You can also manage Manage device groups and Manage tags from these sections by clicking tapping Edit .
  • By status by selecting the check boxes next to one or more severity levels in the Filter View section of the left panel. Severity levels include Critical , Warning , Ok , Not Registered , Ignored , and Disabled . When a status is included in a filter, AND logic is used to populate the device grid.
Status Meaning


• When the device database reports a fatal error

• When the device database is full

• When the last device communication time exceeds six times the netcheck interval - 30 minutes by default (If a softload in progress, when the last device communication time exceeds 120 minutes )


• When the device database watermark is reached

Ok ,

• When the device is communicating with UDM

Not Registered

• When the device has been created in UDM, but the physical device has not yet registered/communicated with UDM
Ignored • When the device is in the Ignored state, will not report or alert on status changes
Disabled • When the device is disabled, it will not send punches into the system or accept downloads

The filters that have been applied are displayed just above the device list. A count of selected filters is also displayed. To remove a filter, click the .

To save the configuration grid as a .csv file, click tap Share Export .

Use the check boxes in the leftmost column of one or more rows to select or deselect one or more devices or click the check mark in the table header to select or deselect all devices.

The Actions and Troubleshooting options that are available are dynamically generated depending on the selected device models. Select Actions and Troubleshooting to see the available options and initiate the associated operations. Select one or more devices and any maintenance or troubleshooting access that you initiate will be applied to all selected devices.

You can create new Manage device groups and Manage tags or edit existing groups and tags by clicking tapping Edit in the Device Groups and Tags filter panels respectively. (Select the Available radio button to list all available groups or tags, or the Selected radio button to display only those that have been selected.)

To access details for a given device, click tap its device ID. The Device Details page provides summary information about the device, a record of the activities performed on the device, a list of the employees assigned to the device, and the device logs.

Groups view

In the Groups view, the Dashboard grid includes a row for each of the tenant's device groups by default. Expand any device group to see its member devices. If a device is assigned to more than one device group, it appears in each device group to which it is assigned. Click Tap the name of a group to display a list of all devices that have been assigned to it.

Apply a sort to one or more columns by clicking tapping the downward open caret in the column heading and selecting Sort Ascending or Sort Descending. Select Remove Sort to remove the sorting from that column.

You can filter this list by device groups by selecting the check boxes corresponding to the desired device groups and tags in the Device Groups and Tags section in the left panel. (Select the Available radio button to display all available groups.) The filter applies OR logic across all selections to determine which device group to display. You can also manage Manage device groups from this section by clickingtapping Edit . The filters that have been applied is displayed just above the device group list. A count of selected filters is also displayed. To remove a filter, click the .

Use the check boxes in the leftmost column of one or more rows to select or deselect one or more device groups or click the check mark in the table header to select or deselect all device groups.

The Actions and Troubleshooting options that are available are dynamically generated depending on the device models in the selected groups. Select Actions and Troubleshooting to see the available options and initiate the available operations. Select one or more device groups and any maintenance or troubleshooting access that you initiate will be applied to all devices in those groups.

You can create new groups or edit existing groups by clicking tapping Edit in the Device Groups filter sections. (Select the Available radio button to list all available groups, or the Selected radio button to display only those that have been selected.)