
The InTouch supports multiple languages. Use the Languages template to assign languages, and specify the order in which they appear on an InTouch to which a Device Configuration Profile that contains the template is assigned. The order of languages in the workspace establishes the order in which they are displayed on the device.

When you are done with your edits:

  1. Ensure that the Name field is not blank. It should contain the unique name of the template that you are creating.
  2. In Device view the Save changes to option lists the selected device; in Profile view it lists the selected profile. ClickTap Save to save your edits or clicktap Cancel to dispose of them.

To use the Languages template:

  1. Select the preferred language from the Languages drop-down list. The Country Code and Language Code are automatically filled in.
  2. Note: To use a language that is not provided with Universal Device Manager, use Manage Imports > Language File to load your language file into the database. Then, specify the language in the Languages configuration template.

  3. To add additional rows, click tap add and repeat step 1 for each language you want to add.
  4. Select one language as the Default language. The default language appears when the device is not in use, and is the language that appears on the device when the user does not select a language from the language bar.

To delete a language, click tap Delete in the row for that language.