Cards and Readers

Use the Cards and Readers template to configure properties and formats for biometric devices, badges, bar code readers, proximity and smart card readers, and magnetic stripes.

The template provides the following tabs:

  • Biometric
  • Badge formats.
  • Bar code
  • Proximity and Smart Card
  • Smart Card Reader
  • Magnetic Stripe

Edit the fields in these tabs. Required fields are marked by an asterisk (*). When you are done with your edits:

  1. Ensure that the Name field is not blank. It should contain the name of a template that you are editing or the unique name of the template that you are creating.
  2. Select one of the guided Save changes to options. See Device and Profile view template save options for more information.)
  3. ClickTap Save to save your edits or clicktap Cancel to dispose of them.

Edit the fields in these tabs as described below. Required fields are marked by an asterisk (*).