Activities System Settings

Navigate to Administration > Application Setup > System settings > Activities Tab.

The Activities settings are used only if Activities is installed.

Key and value details:

site.wfa.mru.activity.daysHistory — Contains the number of days back in history from the current date to include for the Most Recently Used Activities list. Default = 30.

site.wfa.clockForms.displayResultCodes.limit — Determines the number of result codes to initially display when executing a form on a clock. Default = 50

site.wfa.webForms.displayResultCodes.limit — Determines the number of result codes to initially display when executing a form on the web. Default = 10.

site.wfa.mru.activity.limit — Determines the number of Most Recently Used Activities to include in the list. Default = 5.

site.wfa.timecard.activity.entry — Enables or disables the Activities auto search function in the Activity Selection dialogue box in the timecard. Default = False (disabled).

site.wfa.calculator.activityTotal.DateToEnableWorkRulePopulationInActivityTotals — Date to begin populating Work Rule in ActivityTotals (MM/dd/yyyy).

site.wfa.clock.displayActivities.limit — Determines the maximum number of Activities to display when running an activity query on a clock. Default and maximum value = 250.

Note: If an activity query returns more than is allowed per this setting, the query will fail and an error message will appear.