Combined Distribution

You can create combined distribution items with names that you can select on the Task and Task Group workspace when you want to use combined distribution. Labor from the resource pool is used to fill labor gaps.

The combined distribution item that you select on the Task and Task Group workspace is applied to the set of labor standards for the task or task group that you are working with on the Task and Task Group workspace.

To create a combined labor distribution item:

  1. Go to Administration > Application Setup > Forecaster Setup > Combined Distribution. The page displays the list of combined labor distribution items.
  2. Select a Generic Department. The combined distribution item is defined for jobs in this department.
  3. Click New.
  4. Enter a Name and an optional Description. Generic Department displays the department you selected on the previous page.
  5. Select a Distribution Type for distributing the resource pool labor:
  6. Select a Distribution Time Period (labor period):

    Note: Every day means every day except those that are specifically called out in another row. Click the Add Row icon to add another day.

  7. To ensure that the system distributes the labor only inside of the time period defined by the combined labor standards, select Distribute only when labor period is available .
  8. In Allocating labor outside of the defined distribution period,select a preferred way to distribute labor outside of the distribution time period, including when it crosses the day divide:
  9. Select Save and Return.