Access with a URL

An “App URL Scheme” allows mobile users to access an app from other mobile applications, such as email or a browser, by simply clicking a URL link.

The App URL can be appended to include the server URL, vastly simplifying the mobile app deployment. IT departments can send an email with the App URL and server address all in one. Mobile users click the link to open the app with the server address pre-configured.

The general approach is to “issue” the application to a mobile device. This can mean:

  • Sending the URL by email to be viewed and selected in a mobile email client.
  • Posting the URL on an internal web page to be viewed and selected in a mobile browser.
  • Embedding the URL in a native launcher application.

Given the variety of mobile devices available today, there may be some variation in the end-user experience. Some approaches may work better than others.

URL to install the UKG Dimensions app

App installation can be accomplished by providing a link to the host system in the respective app stores.

  • Android:
  • iOS:

URL to install the UKG Pro app

App installation can be accomplished by providing a link to the host system in the respective app stores.

  • Android
  • iOS:

URL to launch the installed app

The installed app can be launched by issuing a URL with the App URL Scheme.

  • dimensions://launch

  • ukgprotenantconfig://launch

URL to launch the installed app with a Tenant URL or Company Code

The App URL Scheme allows for the passing of configuration to the application on the URL, freeing the user from having to enter the server address or the Company Code in the app.

  • UKG Dimensions
    dimensions://launch?tenantConfigInfo={vanity URL}

  • UKG Pro
    ukgprotenantconfig://launch?tenantConfigInfo={vanity URL or company code}